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Gripen E aerostructure factory in 巴西 advances in production

Saab's aerostructure plant in 巴西 reached a new milestone when it started assembling the Gripen E wing box. 目前, 该工厂有五个生产环节, with the first forward fuselage in the last stage of assembly and units of tail cone and air brakes in the process of delivery. The plant has also started the initial assembly to manufacture the rear fuselage of the single-seat fighter.


全速生产 The delivery phase of serial Gripen E aircraft will commence before the end of the year, with delivery of four aircraft to 巴西 and additional aircraft to Sweden. This important milestone for the program has been made possible due to smart ways of working, innovative production technologies and a close cooperation with the customers.

How to get accurate positioning without satellites

To be able to navigate with confidence and accuracy when GPS is unavailable for a long time is a game-changing capability for a fighter pilot. 对其他人来说,这听起来像是一个挑战. Saab have studied and tested image-based and terrain navigation techniques and now propose new technology for powerful tactical navigation capability in GPS-denied environments.

First Gripen E Swedish 空气 Force wing announced 

The Swedish of 空气 Force announced that Skaraborg 空气 Force Wing (F7) will be first within the Swedish 空气 Force to receive the Gripen E. Flight tests and preparations are ongoing in parallel at both the Swedish 空气 Force and at Saab to make the introduction of the aircraft as effective and smooth as possible. Together with the Swedish and 巴西ian customers, Saab conduct flight tests with Gripen E that is proceeding according to plan and is moving at full speed. Before the year is over the delivery phase of the six first Gripen E aircraft will start. The phase includes many activities such as shipment, final certification activities as well as hand-over activities with the authorities and customers. The first Gripen E will arrive at Skaraborg 空气 Force Wing (F7) in 2025.

巴西ians and Swedes advance in the integration of Gripen navigation systems

Three 巴西ian system and software engineers are advancing on the integration between VOR (VHF Omnidirecional Range Equipment) and TACAN/DME (Tactical 空气 Navigation/Distance Measuring Equipment), the last one being a unique feature to 巴西ian 空气 Force’s F-39 Gripen. 所有 the work is done from Gripen Design and Development Network (GDDN). This is an important hub for technology transfer, 位于巴航工业工厂, 在加维奥佩克托, 在圣保罗州.

Saab Aerostructures Factory in 巴西 optimizes processes for Gripen using digital technology

Digitization of industrial activities in order to improve processes and increase productivity is a hot topic. At Saab's Aerostructures Plant in 巴西, located in São Bernardo do Campo (SP), it is no different. 工厂, responsible for producing six different aerostructure packages for Gripen, 巴西空军的一种新型战斗机, uses digital technology in the manufacturing process through a Model Based-Definition method (MBD).

巴西ian 空气 Force pilot undergoes intensive training to fly the 巴西ian Gripen

While the 巴西ian Gripen is currently taking part in flight test activitites at the Gripen Flight Test Center at Embraer 在加维奥佩克托 (SP), the pilots of the 巴西ian 空气 Force (FAB) are participating in the preparations in Sweden. 请在这里阅读有关Abdon少校的训练.


能驾驶鹰狮战斗机, new pilots first need to physically prepare themselves to withstand high Gs while at the same time getting fully skilled in cockpit operations.

巴西 and Sweden: Gripen programme further tightens cooperation between the countries

The High Level Group in Aeronautics has annual meetings to deepen bilateral cooperation between 巴西 and Sweden. Discussions have greatly strengthened since the signing of the contract for the acquisition of 36 Saab Gripen E/F fighters for the 巴西ian 空气 Force.